Employers: Hire a Georgia Medical Institute Graduate
We want to save you time!
Forget about shuffling through resumes of unqualified people—you’ve got better things to do. With one phone call, we can begin compiling a list of eligible graduates and students to get your positions filled.
We want to save you money!
We offer the same services as an employment agency, but at no cost to you. You could spend money on advertising, but it makes more sense to let us do the work for you.
We want to fill your positions!
Whether you want to fill a part-time, full-time, or externship position, we’re here to help you.
So what’s the next step?
Contact Our Career Services Department and find out how you can start recruiting at:
888-844-5375 Dept. 758 or click here for an online form.
For more information about us and our career placement service, select one of the following:
» Why Hire Our Graduates
» Who Are We
» Our Programs